Δρ. Γεροδήμος Βασίλης

Επίκουρος Καθηγητής - Τμήμα Επιστήμης Φυσικής Αγωγής και Αθλητισμού Πανεπιστημίου Θεσσαλίας

  • Papadimitriou D., Zournatzi E., Mpalas C., Melissopoulou A., Karatrantou K., & Gerodimos V. (2012). Adherence to the mediterranean diet of Greek students: The effect of age and obesity status. Proceedings of the 20th International Congress of Physical Education & Sport, Komotini, 8-11.
  • Tsapatori E., Pollatou E., Gerodimos V., & Mavromatis G. (2009). The effect of an intervention music-movement program on maths ability on first grade primary school students. Proceedings of the 2009 EMUNI Conference on Higher Education and Research, Portoroz , Slovenia, 1-8.
  • Bilios, P., Soulas, D., Taxildaris, K., Gerodimos, V., & Bogdanis, G (2008). Comparison of a linear and a daily undulating periodized training program for maximal strength in male air force cadets. In G.L.Khanna (Ed.), Physiology for Therapeutic and Rehabilitation Practices: Current Approaches (pp. 91-96). India, Narosa Publishing Horse.
  • Geordiadi, Ο., Koustelios, Α., Tsiakaras, Ν., Gerodimos, V. (2007). Coaches job satisfaction. 2nd National Congress on Recreation, Leisure, and Sport Tourism, Trikala, 137-139.
  • Zournatzi, Ε., Koustelios, Α.,Pollatou, Ε., Gerodimos, V. (2007). Servicequality, customersatisfaction, andintention for reparticipation in health clubs. 2nd National Congress on Recreation, Leisure, and Sport Tourism, Trikala, 99-102.
  • GerodimosV. (2005).StrengthTrainingduring thedevelopmentalyears. 1st International Scientific Congress in Soccer, Trikala, Greece, 38-39.
  • Kolovelonis, A., Dimitriou, E., Goudas, M., Gerodimos, V., Digelidis, N. (2005). The effect of a skill training program in student's strength and flexibility. 2nd Forumin Physical Education, Xalkidiki, Greece. 72-75.
  • Bletsou, E. & Gerodimos, V. (2005). Theeffectofdifferentphysicalactivitiesprogramsin the adults and elderly's balance. 1st Hellenic Congress of Recreation, Leisure and Sport Tourism, Trikala, Greece, 90-92.
  • Gerodimos, V., Kellis, S., Manou, V., Arseniou, P. (1999). Concentricratioofkneeflexors/extensorsineliteyoungsoccerplayers.5th International Congress of Northern Greece Sports Medicine Association, Thessaloniki, Greece, 239-243.
  • Kellis E., Kellis S., Manou V., Gerodimos V. (1999). Concentric and eccentric knee flexor moment-angular velocity relationships in pubertal and adolescent soccer players. Journal of Sport Sciences,17(1): 7.
  • Gerodimos, V., Papaiakovou, G., Manou, V. (1997). Athletic injuries in triple jump. 4th International Congress of Northern Greece Sports Medicine Association, Thessaloniki, Greece,546-552.

Exercise for Health

The primary focus of the "exerciseforhealth" site, is to promote exercise as an intervention strategy for prevention and rehabilitation of chronic diseases.

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The primary focus of the "healthykids" site, is to provide information and education on the importance of exercise and nutrition for the promotion of health.



The official site of the Training and Physical Conditioning Laboratory of the Center of Research and Evaluation of Human Performance. D.P.E.S.S., University of Thessaly.



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