2011-2015 2010-2013 2011-2012 2006-2007 2006-2007 2003-2007 2003-2004 2003-2004 2002-2004 2000-2002 1999 1999 1997-1998
Research Project funded by the Hellenic Ministry of Health, NSRF 2007 - 2013 entitled “Sport For All - Scientific Support” (coordinator Koustelios A., University of Thessaly), budget 420.000€ (Participation in proposal preparation).
Research Project funded by the Hellenic Ministry of Education, NSRF 2007 - 2013 entitled “Mechanisms of muscle function: fatigue and oxidative stress” (coordinator Koutedakis Y., University of Thessaly), budget 600.000€.
Research Project funded by the Hellenic Ministry of Education, NSRF 2007 – 2013 entitled “Quality Assurance at the University of Thessaly” (coordinator Theodorakis Y., University of Thessaly) budget 400.000€ (Participation in proposal preparation).
Research Project of the University of Thessaly entitled “Students’ practice of University of Thessaly” (coordinator Goudas M., University of Thessaly).
Research Project funded by the Hellenic Ministry of Education entitled “The Kalipatira project. From sport to daily life. All equal - all differed” (coordinator Theodorakis Y., University of Thessaly) budget 250.000€.
Research Project funded by the Hellenic Ministry of Education entitled “Students’ practice of DPESS of University of Thessaly” (coordinator Theodorakis Y., DPESS-University of Thessaly) budget 200.000€.
Research Project funded by the University of Thessaly entitled “Curriculum Development” (coordinator Theodorakis Y., DPESS-University of Thessaly) budget 248.000€.
Research Project funded by the Hellenic Ministry of Education entitled “Efficiency and function of Greek Athletic Schools” (coordinator Kellis S., DPESS-Aristotle University) budget 75.000€ (Participation in proposal preparation).
Research project of the Department of Physical Education and Sports Sciences of Aristotle University entitled “Entrepreneurship in Sport” (coordinator Kellis S., DPESS-Aristotle University).
Research project of the Department of Physical Education and Sports Sciences of Aristotle University entitled “Laboratory of Training and Coaching” (coordinator Kellis S., DPESS-Aristotle University).
Research project of the Department of Physical Education and Sports Sciences of Aristotle University entitled “Evaluation of physical performance” (coordinator Kellis S., DPESS-Aristotle University; Participation in proposal preparation).
Research project of the Department of Physical Education and Sports Sciences of the University of Thessaly entitled “Curriculum development and job experience program” (coordinator Mpagiatis K., DPESS-University of Thessaly).
Research project of the Department of Physical Education and Sports Sciences of Aristotle University entitled “Organization of a specific center for the scientific support of athletes” (coordinator Deligiannis A., DPESS-Aristotle University).
Research project of the Department of Physical Education and Sports Sciences of Aristotle University entitled “Scientific support of Athletes” (coordinator Kioumourtzoglou E., DPESS-Aristotle University).